Hammer Toe
A hammer toe happens when a deformation causes the toe to bend or ring downward instead of heading forward. This deformity may influence the other toes, especially the second and third toe. A hammer toe might exist at birth but it often increases over time owing to arthritis or wearing unsuitable shoes.
As it mentioned hammer toe is when the middle joint gets flexed or curved downward.
Causes of hammer toes are:

- Traumatic toe harm
- Arthritis
- Suffering from irregularly high foot arch
- Wearing ill-fit shoes
- Stiffened ligaments or tendons
- Tolerate pressure as result of a bunion
- Spinal cord harm or circumferential nerve damage
Signs and symptoms
In general, hammer toes cause inconvenience while walking and feeling pain while stretching or moving. Despite this hammer toe symptoms can be mild or severe.
Mild signs:
- Toe that is bent downward
- Corns or thickened skin
- Having trouble while walking
- disability to move the foot
- Claw-like toes
Severe signs:
- It’s essential to visit your orthopedic surgeon or big toe surgeon in Dubai immediately if you experience extreme symptoms.
Treatment of hammer toe in Dubai
The extreme of the situation defines the best treatment of hammer toes.
Treatment of mild hammer toes are:
- Using suitable fitting shoes
- Putting toe pads
- Using shoe insole
- Taking medications
- Physical therapy such as stretching the toes
Treatment of severe hammer toe
In case that bending the toe is impossible, surgery is the best solution.