Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis is a constant disease which might influence various joints through the body, and usually begins with the foot and ankle. This disease is symmetrical, so it will affect the same joint on the same sides of the body.
Rheumatoid arthritis is an auto-immune disease that means the immune system assaults its own cell tissues. So the joint will swell. Little by little, the synovial membrane intrudes and hurts the bone and gristle. It can cause intense joint distortion and defects.
The accurate reason for rheumatoid arthritis is unknown. According to some research, rheumatoid arthritis may exist in some people’s genes. However many researchers think it isn’t an inherited disease. In fact the genes can be activated by a “trigger,” like an infection.

Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis can`t be cured completely. But if the patient starts the medical treatment in time, the consuming drugs can slow the process.
Frequent medicine that an ankle surgeon will recommend based on the extreme of disease include:
- Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
- Conventional DMARDs
- Biologic agents
Therapy is another effective treatment that makes the joints flexible and strong..
Surgery is the last solution, when the mentioned approaches failed to prevent joint damage.
Posttraumatic Arthritis
Posttraumatic arthritis will increase many years after the foot or ankle injury. Usual harms that cause posttraumatic arthritis are disruptions and breaks.
Symptoms of Ankle Arthritis includes:
- Inflammation of arthritic joints
- Developing the pain little by little
- Feeling Pain while moving foot and doing activity
- Intensified pain and inflate in the morning, or after long resting
- Walking hardly
Treatment of Ankle Arthritis
Although there aren’t any cure for arthritis, there are some treatments that can release the pain.
Basic treatments of ankle arthritis are nonsurgical that include:
- Lifestyle adjustments. Changing your routine can relieve the pain and reduce the progression of this disease. Some of these effective changes are: decreasing aggressive activities, losing weight and avoiding difficult exercise and sport
- Doing physical therapy
- Wearing a leather ankle brace
- Taking medications
If this disease does not dissolve with nonsurgical treatment, surgery is essential. The most appropriate type of Ankle Arthritis surgery in Dubai depends on the intensity and impact of the disease on the joints.