Sesamoid Injuries
When the bones extend within a tendon, sesamoid happens. Most of the time it’s common in the kneecap, but it happens in the foot and hand too.
- Feeling pain beneath the big toe
- Developing the pain gradually
- Swelling and bruising
- Difficulty and ache while bending the big toe

Sesamoids perform like spools, enhancing the ability of the tendons to transfer muscle forces. They also help with weight bearing and assist raise the bones of the big toe. It is possible that sesamoids break in a traumatic injury, like other bones. They may extend a stress fracture because of excessive use. Furthermore, the tendons that are located around the sesamoids may become aroused or inflamed.
Treatment of sesamoid injuries in Dubai
Treatment of sesamoid injuries often is successful, but it takes a long time to eliminate the symptoms. If conservative treatments do not respond, the physician might suggest surgery to cure the sesamoid injury.
Non surgical Treatment of sesamoid injuries:
- Stop doing the sports that cause and raise the pain
- Apply painkiller such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen
- Rest and put ice on the sole of the foot
- Wear soft-soled and suitable shoes
- Use pads surround the sesamoid
- Tape the big toe
- Injection of steroid
In some cases, sesamoid injury needs surgery.